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Fund your film in a whole new way

Stop applying to the same old grants. We’ll show you how we’ve helped filmmakers raise millions by pitching niche foundations and big companies that care about your film’s message. Check out our free Fundraising Mini Course on how to get started.

In this guide you'll learn how to

  • Identify potential funders
  • Track down the decision-maker's contact info
  • Craft a pitch deck
  • Pitch and close funders
“I learned more about funding and distributing my film in a single Show&Tell webinar than I did in months of research and web searching.”
Rick Rotondi, Director, Messiah

Most documentary filmmakers apply to the same handful of film grants—the entire global indie film community goes to the same limited pots of money. You don’t have to. 

We filmmakers are creative people. As filmmakers, we're resourceful, adaptive, and persistent as we produce and edit our films. But for some reason when it comes to how we fund our films, we could not be more predictable, conventional, and traditional. Most documentary filmmakers fund their films through a mix of grants, funds from investors, and our own deferred salaries…. sometimes even our credit cards.

It’s time you prioritize commonly overlooked (and more effective) ways to fundraise for your film. Rather than seek grants from the same places all filmmakers do, learn to identify and pitch niche foundations, big companies and other non-traditional film funders. We will share how we have helped filmmakers raise over $13,000,000 from sources outside of the normal, over-saturated channels for film funding.

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Need more fundraising guidance?

Over the last couple of years, we've helped filmmakers fundraise over $13,000,000 from funders like:
  • Corporations like Purina, Google, HOKA, 23andMe and Toyota
  • Foundations like American Psychiatric Association and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
  • Children’s Hospitals, Universities, local Government Agencies, conferences and more
None of these non-traditional film funders are highlighted in the typical, outdated film funding playbook. This is where we come in. 
We've put together an in-depth course - Non-Traditional Fundraising: The Essential Guide. This course was specifically crafted for filmmakers that need help but are not currently members of Show&Tell.
Non-Traditional Fundraising: The Essential Guide contains some of our most valuable content, but doesn't require a subscription. It's a one-time fee for lifetime access to the course.
Get the Essential Guide

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