
From Shutdown to Show&Tell

Overcoming crumbling distribution plans to securing $265,000

How one filmmaker considered his film a loss after COVID but went on to secure a national PBS broadcast and over $265,000 in partnerships and sponsors.

Filmmaking with Heart

Filmmaking with Heart

First-time filmmakers Dana & Krisanna built robust communities and leveraged conferences to catapult their films to success

Raising $1.5 Million for Mental Health & Loneliness

Raising $1.5 Million for Mental Health & Loneliness

Joe Applebaum and Stu Maddux are independent documentary filmmakers that have found their target audiences and launched partnerships at an impressive scale, and more than once.

PBS Underwriting

PBS Underwriting

I’ve been talking about and teaching about PBS underwriting for years but for many filmmakers outside of the Show&Tell community, it remains an elusive mystery.

We Must Bust the Sundance Myth

We Must Bust the Sundance Myth

Read Keith's guest op in the Standard-Examiner & Park Record

Distributor Matchmaking

Distributor Matchmaking

Essential steps to find the right distributor for you and your film

The Truth About Deals & Distribution

The Truth About Deals & Distribution

Sundance actually isn’t the pinnacle of success. Yes, getting accepted into Sundance is a great honor and something to be proud of, in addition to being a wonderful experience as a filmmaker. What it is not, however, is a golden ticket to success.

The Documentary Distribution Lightbulb Moment

The Documentary Distribution Lightbulb Moment

Today, we’re switching it up a bit to tell you a story - the origin story of Show&Tell. Though Show&Tell is a young company, the roots of our purpose and our methods were established over a decade ago.

Documentary Distribution Essentials

Documentary Distribution Essentials

Every filmmaker knows they should create a budget for their film, but few documentary filmmakers understand that a budget should not end at picture lock or a festival premiere.

What Are We Watching: Women’s Herstory Month

What Are We Watching: Women’s Herstory Month

This month, the Show&Tell team has been discussing and passing back and forth great films made by women. So we wanted to share some of our favorites with our community.‍

Get Busy Living

Get Busy Living

GET BUSY LIVING director Chris Burket had explored all the usual channels for getting the word out about his documentary without getting any significant traction. By adopting Partner-Driven Distribution, Show&Tell’s creative approach to distribution...



The Illinois chapter of the diabetes research organization JDRF has historically relied on the Fund A Cure program and a live annual gala to drive the bulk of its fundraising efforts. In the absence of an in-person event in 2020, the organization used Show&Tell to host...

Aces & Knaves

Aces & Knaves

Jackie Paré traveled the world for years to make ACES & KNAVES, a documentary about bridge. A truly international game with international players, she figured she’d need to keep her passport at the ready during distribution. Discovering Show&Tell was a revelation...

Harness the Power of Partnerships

Harness the Power of Partnerships

Powerful partnerships can enable you to maximize your film’s reach and revenue. Partnerships can give you the control, flexibility, and connection to your core audience needed to thrive in our New World of Distribution.

What We're Watching: Black History Month

What We're Watching: Black History Month

During this month highlighting black voices, creativity and history, we at Show&Tell want to share the films we’ve been talking about and rewatching.

Editing for Fundraising

Editing for Fundraising

Nearly the entire global documentary community applies for funding from the same limited pots of money. You don’t have to.

Your Hybrid Future: Virtual & Live Events

Your Hybrid Future: Virtual & Live Events

In the coming months as the world changes yet again, there is one thing that is certain: you will have more opportunities to connect with your audience and generate meaningful revenue. That’s because the future is hybrid.

The Water Of Life

The Water Of Life

Director Greg Swartz and producer Trevor Jones initially figured they’d lose money on marketing THE WATER OF LIFE, their first documentary feature. Since the film’s topic is whisky, they had grand plans to host screenings during the annual Islay Festival of Malt and Music, and conduct events at other whisky festivals in the U.S. and Scotland throughout 2020.

Stormy and The Admirals

Stormy and The Admirals

In a normal year, Dan Rybicky, the documentary filmmaker who directed and produced STORMY AND THE ADMIRALS, would have gone the traditional route of hosting in-person screenings and applying to film festivals for consideration. 2020 was anything but normal, however, and Dan knew that if he wanted to make the most of the film’s timeliness, he needed to get it out into the world quickly. 

The Bowmakers

The Bowmakers

THE BOWMAKERS director Ward Serrill premiered his film in 2019 and was looking forward to a theatrical release in 2020…and then Covid hit. Using Show&Tell’s Partner-Driven Distribution approach, Ward and his team offered nonprofit organizations in the classical music world virtual screenings of the film. By giving these entities a valuable way to raise money and engage donors and supporters during

The Undocumented Lawyer

The Undocumented Lawyer

Lizbeth Mateo is an attorney who swore to uphold the Constitution. She's also undocumented. When a client takes sanctuary in a church, Lizbeth's own experience guides their fight for justice.