There are 2 ways we can help you fundraise more & distribute better.
Show&Tell Pro grants access to ALL member webinars, our full library of Guides, & virtual screening platform.
Show&Tell Starter offers access to a select number of member webinars and Guides.
Either way, we're excited to support you on your journey.
Paid monthly
Join Now*Show&Tell Pro comes with our money-back guarantee. Give it a try. If you feel like the program isn't the right fit for you, simply email us within the first 30 days and we’ll issue you a full refund.
Paid Annually
Join Now*Show&Tell Pro comes with our money-back guarantee. Give it a try. If you feel like the program isn't the right fit for you, simply email us within the first 30 days and we’ll issue you a full refund.
Most filmmakers apply to the same funders like ITVS, IDA, Sundance Documentary Fund, Gucci Tribeca. Only a handful get them. We’ll teach you to expand your fundraising to include non-film grants, funding from companies, crowdfunding, and much more.
You need to have a film festival strategy and it needs to be more than ‘premiere at Sundance’. We’ll teach you how festivals can open doors to unexpected funders and committed allies who will help your film get seen across the globe.
Big streamers like Netflix and Hulu know what they are looking for and how much they’re willing to pay. We’ll reveal the truth about streamers. And we’ll also explore other powerful ways to make money with your film and get it seen.
Remember Blockbuster? And going to theaters? The ways films are released have changed. We’ll teach you new and powerful ways to release your film from virtual events and fundraisers, educational sales, PBS underwriting, and more.
Our most requested & viewed resources are on non-traditional fundraising and navigating PBS. So, we’ve put together à la carte Guides for both topics to help support filmmakers who need guidance, without requiring a membership. A one time fee when you enroll gives you lifetime access.
Join now and get access to our Guides, Member webinars & virtual screening platform!