Production & Post

Start fundraising & building your audience now

  • Identify your audience, partners & conferences

    Learn how to effectively pitch partners

  • Host work-in-progress virtual fundraisers

“We’re still in post but we launched a virtual event strategy, identified our core audience and raised over $30,000.”
— Beth Dolan, Co-Director, STRANGER AT HOME
“We’re still in post but we launched a virtual event strategy, identified our core audience and raised over $30,000.”
Beth Dolan, Co-Director, Stranger at Home

Work-In-Progress Virtual Fundraisers

Customize your page, share your teaser, ask for contributions & grow your audience.

“Our first virtual screening resulted in over 720 sales! We also loved how easy it was to host a live Q&A.”

Nicole Lamberson, distribution & outreach for Medicating Normal

“Our first virtual screening resulted in over 720 sales! We also loved how easy it was to host a live Q&A.”

Nicole Lamberson

, Distribution & Outreach for Medicating Normal

Coaching to Raise Funds

Hands-on coaching to help you create a fundraising strategy & make it happen.

“Show&Tell's coaching empower filmmakers to value their work not only as important storytelling, but as a way to earn a living.”

Krys Kornmeier, director of Normal Isn’t Real

“Show&Tell's guide and coaching empower filmmakers to value their work not only as important storytelling, but as a way to earn a living.”

Krys Kornmeier

, Director, Normal Isn’t Real

Best Practice Webinars, Guides, Community

Live & interactive webinars, on-demand lessons, connection with filmmakers currently fundraising.

“Show&Tell has shown me a whole new approach to film distribution. This knowledge and guidance have been transformational.”

Cynthia Salzman Mondell, Director, In Her Shoes

“Show&Tell has shown me a whole new approach to film distribution. This knowledge and guidance have been transformational.”

Cynthia Salzman Mondell

, Director, In Her Shoes

“S&T is an indie filmmaker's best friend at all stages of the filmmaking process!”
“S&T is an indie filmmaker's best friend at all stages of the filmmaking process!”
Christine La Monte, Producer, Viva Verdi

Success Stories

Check out how these films raised funds for their film before picture lock

  • First three virtual events totalled $9,000 in fees

  • Led keynote presentations at large, national virtual conferences

  • Virtual events proved audience and helped secure PBS broadcast

  • First event: $7,000 in ticket sales

  • Sales to date: $100,000+ during first 14 events

  • Launched a national virtual tour partnering with symphony orchestras across the country

We’re happy to help!

We completely respect your privacy and hope you’ll join our list, so we can share this and other free, useful info on fundraising & distribution.

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Free Guidance

We’ve helped filmmakers raise over $4 million & connect with audiences around the world. These free resources will introduce you to how.

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